Types of cards and their differences





1. Classic - The card is used worldwide in any location designated by Visa, including ATMs, real and virtual stores, as well as stores offering goods and services by mail and phone.

2. Gold - This card has a higher limit capacity. It is the most frequently used card in the world.

3. Platinum - This card has a limit of over $10,000.

4. Signature - No pre-determined spending limit - excellent bin for buying and working.

5. Infinite - is the most prestigious card with almost unlimited limit. There are few such cards in circulation, so be careful when buying. 

6. Business - it can be used for small and medium businesses, usually with a limit.

7. Corporate - it can be used with medium and large businesses, with a limit exceeding that of a Business card.

8. Black - it has a limited membership. It does not have a limit only for a fee of $500 per annum, an elite card.



1. Classic - it is the same as a classic visa card.

2. Gold - the same as a gold visa card.

3. Platinum - the same as a visa platinum card.

4. World - it has a very high limit.

5. World Elite - almost unlimited limit, an elite card.



1. Gold - usually has a limit of about 10k$.

2. Platinum - usually has a higher limit (about 35k).

3. Centurion - it has a high limit (75k+). It is also called a black card, 

NOTE: Do not confuse with a black visa card.


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LINK -https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/buster-captcha-solver-for/mpbjkejclgfgadiemmefgebjfooflfhl?hl=en


PLACEBO! see what K says!

Aniket:- There must be a question, who the fuck is K? then the answer is you are K and the sentences below are the fucking reality of us and the people between us.

These are all of them from the documentary called PLACEBO!!!!

1)The place is just a metaphor for genius or for talent or for aptitude to take up the supposedly the noblest of professions but its you right now who lends that credibility to this place for so the idea of what we are doing here is for you to open up as you are not opened up to any one.

2) I was fucking, I was questioning myself-
"What did i feel at that moment?"
How far was i from, what usually I am.

But then I realised that I was not far away
I was right there it's not the fucking job for me.

3) Why are we so scared of snakes?
you see a man is much more harmful than a snake, a very cliched thing but try to visualise it in physical terms.

See I can kill you right now, there is blade in my room, should i take it out now.

4) What I was talking about is- what happens when people come here and as we age, so imagine what goes inside the mind is manifested, all the change, see people change. their metabolism changes Their thoughts change, their ideas change.
Their memories change.

The memory of your childhood which you had six years before is not the same now. Trust me!
because experiences reshape your memories.

5) I cannot just pour my thoughts into yours exactly the way they are taking shape inside my brain that is where isolation and solitude root from OK! This is the isolation I am talking about.
This is the fucking isolation!

Although we are talking, we have been talking for so many months. no ! you and me are isolated that is a fact.

However hard we might try that we get this feeling that for a second we are connected we are not. we have never been, you can never be you are isolated

6) What is Laplace,s Demon?
Laplace's Demon is the imaginary form of intelligence that is infinite and that is viewed the different cycles the big bang and the big crunch and infinite it has seen at all. its there.

7) Some people are indeed infused with more negativity than this world can handle maybe i am one of them may be  you are one of them.

8) Our mind is capable enough to be the proud owner of this body OK! that's why for a human the highest moral point is suicide.

9) There is no time, there is just illusion of time OK!
there is a river ... which is flowing which i believe is flowing 
It might not even flowing but we are moving in relation to the river and we are creating this ripples,now at a certain point of time this sieves are moving through the sea at the different velocities through the water they are piercing through the water, it's moving through different velocities man and at one time coincidentally five sieves come together and they create an effect that is so different that is so unrealistic that even the whole population, but if five sieve come in synchronisation  and create a pattern  that is unreal, that is so surreal That is so fucking  inscrutable to each and every other sieve left to their individual level they'll get confused and accept it as science maybe I don't know what science, art, normality, morality, consciousness, intelligence, definitions... PLACEBO!!

Thank ME !!


What is the best way to describe yourself in an interview?

              This answer is given by ROHAN KAMAT, Program Manager at Microsoft,

                                                                             Let's Start

This is what my eighth and final interview round with Microsoft was like. It was with the GPM who would be my hiring manager.
Interviewer: So Rohan, it looks like you’ve had a long day. Come on in and have a seat. Would you like some water or a soda?
Me: Thanks. Yes it has been a long day but it has been so much fun that I didn’t realize how time flew. I especially enjoyed my last interview round with XYZ. And yes, I’d actually love some water.
Interviewer: That’s nice to hear. So, tell me a little about you. Tell me something I don’t already know.
Me: Well I’m sure you’ve already seen my resume and heard all the feedback so I don’t want to talk about technical stuff. I bet you didn’t know that I can identify over 10,000 species of birds by sight and more than 1,000 by sound.
Interviewer: Well that’s a first. Looks like you’re a serious bird watcher then. My uncle and my son both enjoy the birds here in the Pacific Northwest. Tell me more. This sounds interesting.
Me: I started birding when I was 6 years old. I saw a Peregrine falcon stoop (that means dive) into a valley and kill a pigeon in mid-air. I’ve been fascinated ever since. I’ve photographed hundreds of species and contributed those photos to various books, schools, colleges and galleries. Photography is secondary though. Primarily I love to watch and observe them. My wife has now developed a very keen sight for them too so we make a good team. That’s what we do most weekends and the Pacific Northwest is a great place to bird.
Interviewer: Do you know about the Snow Geese we see here in the winter. I had read a poem as a child that always stuck. <Starts reciting the poem>
Me: Wow! That’s a really nice poem. I had not heard it before. I actually am very familiar with the Snow Geese we see here in the winter. They are the harbinger of winter winds. Similarly we had a really beautiful bird back in the western ghats in India called the Oriental Dwarf Kingfisher whose arrival was the most sure-shot indicator of the approaching monsoon. Bird migration is extremely fascinating and I could talk about it for hours on end.
Interviewer: This is really captivating. I’ve never met anyone with this much passion about their hobby. Are you also this passionate about tech?
Me: Maybe just a tad less than I am about birds. Haha. But yes, I do genuinely love tech and it’s an integral part of my life; right after birds that is.
Interviewer: Haha… Well let’s dive into some design problems then.
She then asked me some system design and architecture problems which we solved on the whiteboard together for the next 45 minutes. We finally ended it with big smiles on our faces feeling recharged and energized.
What is the best way to describe yourself in an interview?
Be genuine. Be honest. Tell them why you are an interesting person. Don’t just repeat what is on your resume. They have already read it. Don’t tell them a checklist of your skills. Tell them a good story about yourself. The interviewer, especially the hiring manager, is looking for someone who will be a good fit on his/her team. If you come across as an interesting candidate in the first five minutes, you will have their undivided attention for the rest of the time.
Everyone likes a certain human element to come through. Every interviewer is looking for someone they can work well with. Technical skills can be taught. If you have certain areas that you are not very strong at, be upfront about it but always demonstrate a willingness to learn. Most importantly, make sure you give them a reason to remember you; to ensure that you stand out from the crowd.
TL;DR: Make your “About Me” memorable.

If you have not read or watched 13 reasons why so this is for you

don't read if you’re planning on reading or watching 13 Reasons 

1. Tape 1, Side A

  • Justin Foley, the guy she had a crush on, took a racy photo of Hannah which spread around the school and encourages a sexual rumour which turned out to be false. This caused a lot of hate and judgement for Hannah.

2. Tape 1, Side B

  • Jessica Davis, Hannah's former best friend falsely accused Hannah of being the reason behind Alex breaking up with her. She slapped her and Hannah was devastated because she lost her two best friends.

3. Tape 2, Side A

  • Alex Standall, another of Hannah's former friends, put Hannah and Jessica on a list whilst him and Jessica were dating. He listed Hannah's ass as the best in school and Jessica's as the worst to get back at Jessica not wanting to sleep with him and also to make her jealous. He also did it to become more popular with Justin, Bryce and their friends. This resulted in the fight between Jessica and Hannah.

4. Tape 2, Side B

  • Tyler Down, the schools student photographer, stalks Hannah. When Hannah realises she has a stalker, she tells her friend Courtney (a closeted lesbian) who agrees to help her catch the stalker. At Hannah’s house, while waiting for the stalker they get drunk and play truth or dare which leads to them kissing, being photographed by Tyler and the picture being spread around the school.

5. Tape 3, Side A

  • Courtney Crimson, the girl in the photograph with Hannah, tries to stop hanging around with Hannah to avoid suspicion, even though no one knows its them in the photo. Later, when confronted by Monty, Courtney says its Hannah and Laura (another lesbian girl) and also adds to the rumours about Hannah and Justin. Courtney throws Hannah under the bus to avoid being outed and leads to her poor reputation being worsened.

6. Tape 3, Side B

  • Marcus Cole, one of Justin's friends, gets Hannah on his list of One Dollar Valentines. He asks her out on a date, shows up late with a group of friends and then publicly humiliates Hannah by inappropriately touching her until she shouts at him to stop. He then calls her easy and leaves her crying in the diner.

7. Tape 4, Side A

  • Zach Dempsey, Justin and Marcus’ friend tries to comfort Hannah after she was humiliated by Marcus. After apologising for Marcus’ behaviour and being publicly rejected by Hannah, he resorts to stealing “positive notes” for Hannah out of a bag (part of a school project). When Hannah writes a note to him explaining her feelings, she thinks she sees him crumpling the note and throwing it on the floor. This damages Hannah emotionally. (In the present its revealed Zach actually kept the note and Hannah got it misjudged the situation)

8. Tape 4, Side B

  • Ryan Shaver, editor of the schools magazine, steals and publishes one of Hannah's very intimate poems against her will. Although the poem was published anonymously, it included some of her personal problems which meant it wasn't hard for the students to figure out who it was, causing further humiliation and leading to more bullying.

9. Tape 5, Side A

  • Justin Foley again. He began dating Jessica and at her party, where she was intoxicated to the point of unconsciousness, he did not stop Bryce from raping her. Hannah, who was in the room at the time witnessed it and felt unable to stop it. He also didn't tell Jessica what happened to her.

10. Tape 5, Side B

  • Sheri Holland, a classmate of Hannah’s, offered to drive Hannah home after Jessica’s party. On the way she knocked over a stop sign and left Hannah stranded after refusing to call the cops. This led to an accident which took the life of one of Clay’s best friends, Jeff Atkins.

11. Tape 6, Side A

  • Clay Jensen, one of Hannah’s best friends and the guy she had a crush on. They almost have sex on the night of Jessica's party but Hannah asks him to leave just before anything happens. She is upset he didn't stay for her however in the tapes she reveals he didn't deserve to be on there, but was because he needed to hear her story.

12. Tape 6, Side B

  • Bryce Walker, a friend of Justin's and Jessica’s rapist, also rapes Hannah. Hannah was at a party at Bryce's house and ends up being left alone in a hot tub with him. He then rapes her.

13. Tape 7, Side A

  • Mr Porter, the schools guidance counsellor, admits he cant do anything about the rape. Hannah goes to him, tell him about her being raped and hinting her suicidal thoughts. Mr Porter says there is nothing he could do to help her, due to the fact she has no concrete evidence and it is just her word against his, and she doesn't receive the proper help she needs.

After recording her conversation with Mr Porter, Hannah goes home and commits suicide by lying in a bathtub filled with water and slashing her wrists lengthways. She ends up bleeding to death and being found by her parents.

Her suicide was not caused by one specific reason, it was more a culmination of these 13 reasons (and possibly some bad judgement on her part), some more harmful than others, and some which I don't believe should've been on there (Clay and Zach)


Story of an old man!!!! (Must read++)

Story of an old man.


Thanks :)

Like and follow for more such interesting stories and facts 


Ant and grasshopper story! (Indian version).


Ant & Grasshopper

Indian Version of story - too good and fact(Very interesting and worth sharing)

Original Story:

The Ant works hard in the withering heat all summer building its house and

laying up supplies for the winter. The Grasshopper thinks the Ant is a fool

and laughs dances plays the summer away. Come winter, the Ant is warm and well fed. The Grasshopper has no food or shelter so he dies out in the cold.


*Indian Version:*

The Ant works hard in the withering heat all summer building its house and

laying up supplies for the winter. The Grasshopper thinks the Ant's a fool and laughs dances plays the summer away.

Come winter, the shivering Grasshopper calls a press conference and demands

to know why the Ant should be allowed to be warm and well fed while others are cold and starving.

NDTV, Times Now, CNN IBN, BBC, CNN , Asianet show up to provide pictures of the shivering Grasshopper

next to a video of the Ant in his comfortable home with a table filled with food.

The World is stunned by the sharp contrast.

How can this be that this poor Grasshopper is allowed to suffer so?

Arundhati Roy stages a demonstration in front of the Ant's house.

Medha Patkar goes on a fast along with other Grasshoppers demanding that Grasshoppers be relocated to warmer climates during winter .

Mayawati states this as 'injustice' done on Minorities.

The Internet is flooded with online petitions seeking support to the Grasshopper

CPM in Kerala immediately passes a law preventing Ants from working hard in the heat so as to bring about equality of poverty among Ants and


Railway minister allocates one free coach to Grasshoppers on all Indian Railway Trains, aptly named as the 'Grasshopper Rath'.

Finally, the Judicial Committee drafts the 'Prevention of Terrorism Against Grasshoppers Act'[POTAGA] , with effect from the beginning of the winter..

Education minister makes 'Special Reservation' for Grasshoppers in Educational

Institutions in Government Services.

The Ant is fined for failing to comply with POTAGA and having nothing left to pay his retroactive taxes, it's home is confiscated by Government

and handed over to the Grasshopper in a ceremony covered by NDTV, Times Now, CNN IBN, BBC, CNN.

Arundhati Roy calls it 'A Triumph of Justice'.

Railway minister calls it 'Socialistic Justice'.

CPM calls it 'Revolutionary Resurgence of Downtrodden'





Many years later...

The Ant has since migrated to the US and set up a multi-billion dollar company in Silicon Valley ,

100s of Grasshoppers still die of starvation despite reservation somewhere in India ,


As a result of losing lot of hard working Ants and feeding the grasshoppers, India is still a developing country...!!


This is real motherhood!

These pictures say a lot about motherhood, sometimes, animals know more about love than humans do:

1. An injured fox got caught: It wasn’t clear how the helpless fox was injured, but he was unable to move much when the hungry lioness approached him.

2. The lion family came along: Other family members came along and probably wondered how much meat it had on its bones…

3. Curious young cubs: Naturally, the three young cubs were very curious about the little fox, and crowded around to see what was going on.

4. Motherhood : When the Cubs were about to enjoy the dinner time, the mother crawled protectively around the fox seen from the picture.

5. Intrigued : The lion couple stared at the fox when it was squealing in pain.

6. Quiet time : As time passed by, the lion family and the fox stayed peacefully together, and nobody was eating the fox or even threatening it.

7. Losing interest : The daddy lion seemed to want to leave the fox to the mother and the cubs.

8. Typical male : The male lion walked off for some time but came back to be with the mother lion.

9. Over-Protective : When the male lion roared at the fox, the mother lion did something unbelievable…

10. Got angry : The mother lion protected the fox intensely and swiped at the male lion with her paw.

11. They are eating

A few moments later, the photographer heard the sound of eating something, so he thought maybe that's the end of the fox.

12. Other food

After getting a closer view, the photographer saw that the fox is still safe, and the lions are eating food brought by other lions.

13. Recovery

Just like a miracle, the fox seemed to recover from his wound and eventually was able to stand on its back legs.

14. Not safe yet

Not recorded by the camera, but the photographer saw that when two hungry jackals came near the fox, he fended them off with his battle cries and escaped safely.

15. Still alive

According to Dyer, the little fox was still alive and was spotted recuperating in a patch of grass.

16. An Amazing Story

This partly explains why we should never call people “animals” because the loving nature they have is hardly found in some “people”.



You don't know the power of a jobless person,

The jobless person is a open blank page where anything can be written

The story of one Job Seeker.

His last 3 word “ An Office Boy” , summarize whole story.

A small rejection is not end of story, it's a beginning of new chapter.

We and many others who struggle to survive , loathe on every situation.

We takes absurd things so seriously , that eventually hurts us to a severe extent.

Things like -

I can't speak well,

I'm bad with English,

I don't know how to communicate.

I'm scared of new things and people,

I lacks skill, I'm talentless

I'm not made for this,

I can't do anything in life.

I don't have money,

I don't have time,

I have many responsibility,

Fear of losing things.

All Resulting inferiority complex, under confidence and negativity, throughout life.

We deliberately ignore or skip many big opportunity and idea, just with a fear of losing comfort.

However life gives us lot and lot of chances.

But in a different way, it makes us to find a way inside labyrinth, where most of them cry “why me” and few of them say “let's explore it”.

I know it's not possible in every circumstances, not every job seeker can be a billionaire.

But if we choose to explore our every situation, we can surely find a way to get out of infinity loop.


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